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dotdotdotcomma Road To F1 News

IRL: iSprout miss 'Easy' headline opportunity by Mathias Olaf Uncertain
6th May 2010
Not a clue.
Not a clue.
The EasyCar test scheduled to take place at Kentucky Speedway yesterday had to be cancelled due to moisture seeping through the track surface.

"It's a difficult decision to cancel the test," said an EasyCar bigwig.

"The track surface is damaged and water is seeping through as a result of recent heavy rain. You could say the surface is basically fried.

"It is disappointing, but you have to think safety first," he added. "The track is wet in a lot of places and you can't run the normal line, so you're not going to learn much, but even if you could, most drivers would be too chicken."

iSprout ran this item under the banner: "Kentucky EasyCar test cancelled", but dotdotdotcomma wonder if there might be a more fitting headline. Why not email your suggestions to Matt Beer, the interestingly-named author of the piece?

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IRL Baldyfellow to test with KV Racing 26th Jan 2012
NASCAR Fitchick rules out 2012 Indy 500 24th Jan 2012
IRL Stargate, um, star enters EasyCar 19th Dec 2011
F1 Cecotto aims to carve name for himself 17th Nov 2011
IRL Fitchick set to announce switch 25th Aug 2011

KEY TO SERIES NAMES (hovering over the abbreviations in the table above also shows the full series name)
F1Formula 1
The world's most prominent, most expensive and frequently most tedious single-seater series.
IRLIndy Racing League
Classic Mickey-Mouse racing of the first water.
Umbrella term for a number of bafflingly popular Stateside stock car series.