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dotdotdotcomma F1 News

F1: F1 Records preview: Montreal by Mathias Olaf Uncertain
6th Jun 2012
Well, it's June, apparently, whatever the weather, and so it's about time that dotdotdotcomma's team of retentive statisticians crawled out from whatever rock they've been hiding under all winter, and got on with updating our definitive* F1 records database.

And just in time, too, with the Canadian Grand Prix coming up, at which Kimi Comebackkinen could equal (and, hence, beat, thanks to the unique way in which dotdotdotcomma's statistics are calculated) Michael Comebacker's record of fastèst laps at the Gilles Villeneuve Circuit. And, er, that's about it, we're afraid, since the German's records of poles and wins here are looking pretty unassailable for several years.

In other F1 Records news, if Kate O'Mara promote test-driver and Monaco WSxRenault podium man Aldo Rossi to a race seat, he would be in with a chance (albeit a slim one, given he'd be driving a Kate O'Mara) of taking the youngèst fastèst lap record from Nicky Iceberg, but only if he does it this weekend.

Watch this space for more updates, just as soon as the team start to wake up properly. Who knows? They might go on to wake up the Drink-a-Long-a-Grand-Prix technical team.

* The database is definitive. Reality is, as a great man once said, frequently inaccurate.

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F1 Comebacker critical of QI decision 13th May 2010
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KEY TO SERIES NAMES (hovering over the abbreviations in the table above also shows the full series name)
F1Formula 1
The world's most prominent, most expensive and frequently most tedious single-seater series.